(310) 404-3907


What is Waterproofing?

Waterproofing is a protective process that involves the application of specialized materials or techniques to prevent the penetration of water or moisture into a structure. 

This is crucial for buildings, basements, roofs, and other surfaces to prevent water damage, mold growth, and structural deterioration.

Waterproofing methods vary depending on the specific area and its unique needs, ensuring the longevity and integrity of the structure.

Where Do You Start with Waterproofing?

Our Waterproofing service typically involves the following steps:

  • Surface Inspection: A thorough examination of the surface to identify areas vulnerable to water infiltration, such as cracks, joints, or porous materials.
  • Surface Preparation: Cleaning and repairing the surface by filling cracks, removing old sealants, or addressing any structural issues.
  • Material Selection: Choosing the appropriate waterproofing material or method based on the surface type, location, and waterproofing requirements.
  • Application: Applying the chosen waterproofing material, which can include liquid membranes, sealants, or physical barriers like membranes or drainage systems.
  • Curing and Drying: Allowing the waterproofing material to cure and dry as per manufacturer recommendations to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Quality Assurance: Inspecting the waterproofed surface to ensure that it meets quality and waterproofing standards.
  • Additional Protection: In some cases, an additional protective layer, such as insulation or a protective coating, may be applied to enhance the waterproofing’s durability and performance.
  • Regular Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance and inspections are often necessary to ensure the continued effectiveness of the waterproofing system.


Our Waterproofing service is a crucial step in protecting structures from water damage, extending their lifespan, and maintaining a safe and dry interior environment.

Contact us to request an assessment.