(310) 404-3907

Stucco Repairs

What is Stucco Repairs?

Our Stucco repair service is the fixing and restoring the exterior stucco finish on your building(s). It involves repairing cracks, chips, or damage to the stucco surface, as well as addressing issues like water infiltration or structural weaknesses. 

Our Stucco repair not only enhances the appearance of a structure but also protects it from further deterioration, ensuring longevity and durability.

Where Do You Start?

Our Stucco repair service typically involves the following steps:

  • Inspection: A thorough examination of the stucco surface to identify cracks, damage, or areas in need of repair.
  • Preparation: Cleaning the surface and removing loose or damaged stucco, as well as any contaminants that may affect adhesion.
  • Patching and Repairs: Filling cracks and holes with stucco patching material to restore the surface’s integrity and appearance.
  • Structural Repairs: Addressing any underlying structural issues, such as wood rot or framing problems, if needed.
  • Waterproofing: Applying a waterproof barrier or sealant to protect against moisture infiltration, preventing future damage.
  • Texture Matching: Ensuring the repaired area matches the texture and appearance of the existing stucco finish.
  • Finishing and Painting: Applying finishing coats or paint to blend the repaired area with the rest of the stucco surface.
  • Quality Assurance: A final inspection to verify that the repair work meets quality and appearance standards.


Our Stucco repair service is essential for maintaining the structural integrity and visual appeal of stucco-clad buildings while preventing further deterioration and water damage.

Contact us to request an assessment.